Newmarket Council Meeting

2017 User Fees adn Chargers Approved, 2017 Water and Wastewater Rates, Main Street Clock Inc. Development Proposal, Save These Dates, Sidewalk Snow-clearing in Newmarket, Considering a Stormwater Charge for 2017, Get Involved in the Electoral Reform Process, 2017 Operating Budget

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My Letter to Chris Simon, Journalist with the Newmarket Era

My position on the Clock Tower development is three stories and no more than four stories as long as it works with the landscape, heritage look and style and we focus on preserving the existing buildings.  At the end of the day we have a Heritage Conservation Plan and Bylaw, we have many opinions and concerns submitted by residents and reports from staff to help guide us. I received many emails, and phone calls,

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Newmarket Council Highlights

Yonge Street and Davis Drive Streetscape Master Plan, Old Town Hall Public Art Installation, Site Alteration By-law to Replace Current Cut Fill By-law 1998-110, Upcoming Events, The Town is Considering a Stormwater Charge for 2017, Public Meeting Notice Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Town of Newmarket Announces National Play Competition, Newmarket’s Historic Main Street a Winner in Great Places in Canada Contest, Town of Newmarket's 2017 Operating Budget, and more!

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Remembrance Day Ceremony

I watched with honour among members of Newmarket's air and sea cadet corps as they stood guard at the Newmarket Cemetery Cenotaph during the Newmarket Veterans’ Association Remembrance Day Service Friday. Nov. 11, 2016

We pause in silence for the men and women that served, and continue to serve, our country.  On November 11th hundreds of people attended the Remembrance Day service at the Newmarket Cemetery Veterans Plot followed by a luncheon at the Newmarket Veterans Association.

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EventKelly Broome
Remembrance Day Parade

Royal Canadian Legion Newmarket Remembrance Day Parade

Thank you to the Royal Canadian Legion Newmarket, all the participants, volunteers and members of our community for coming out to enjoy the Parade.  

Very proud of my family for joining me and participating in the Royal Canadian Legion (Newmarket) Remembrance Day Parade.

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EventKelly Broome
Newmarket Council Meeting

Ward 5 Councillor Bob Kwapis,  Metrolinx Mulock GO Station Update, 2017 Budget - Revised Schedule, Public Imput Opportunity: Artificial Turf Sports Field, Public Information Centre: Bike Lanes on Woodspring Avenue, Public Meeting Notice Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment


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Bob Kwapis Ward 5 Councillor

"Thank you to the Ward 5 residents who 'Turned their Views into Votes' by casting their ballots during advance polls or on voting day," says Andrew Brouwer, Town Clerk. "I would like to congratulate all candidates for participating in the by-election and contributing to the democratic process."

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Soaring to Excellence

I enjoyed sharing a morning with the students at Sir William Mulock Secondary School's Soaring to Excellence Ceremony.  Congratulations to the 450 students who received awards today. Soaring to Excellence today has not only been an incredible achievement for each and everyone of you... 

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EventKelly Broome
Central York Fire Emergency Alert

CYFS is on scene of a natural gas leak at Yonge & Mulock in Newmarket.  A 4” gas line has been severed.  Although not confirmed, it is believed to have occurred by the Viva Street Construction Project. Three crews are on scene. In addition, YRP and local utilities are present. Some businesses have evacuated, and CYFS is currently working with local utilities to identify risks and action plan.

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AlertKelly Broome
Mosquito Traps Test Positive For West Nile Virus In York Region

Newmarket - The Regional Municipality of York is advising that two mosquito traps have tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV) in the City of Markham; one at the intersection of 14th Avenue and Kennedy Road and the other at the intersection of Highway 7 and Warden Avenue.
“Residents can take simple steps to reduce the risk of West Nile virus and exposure to mosquitos,” said Dr. Karim Kurji, York Region’s Medical Officer of Health. “Cover up when

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AlertKelly Broome
Community Parks Update

The town of newmarket believes that an integral part of our community is the ongoing commitment to provide our residents with beautiful, enjoyable and safe parklands.
as part of this commitment, the town has identified an opportunity to provide park improvements at clare salisbury parkette (clearmeadow p.s.)  starting thursday july 28, 2016. The improvements will take approximately 4 – 6 weeks to complete.

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RecreationKelly Broome