"After walking with two different companies and talking to residents in the effect area on Bartholomew Drive and the Storm Water MGMT pond , there are fire ants located behind approximately 5-8 houses, we can see how and why the residents are concerned with the fire ant. Concerns that they cannot use their backyards
Read MoreJoe Sponga announces resignation as Councillor, Parkland Dedication By-law, Amendments to the Taxi By-law, Upcoming Events, Water Street Pedestrian Refuge Island, Fireworks Safety, and more!
Read MoreCouncil adopts Community Energy Plan, Public Parking Options in the Downtown, Revitalizing Newmarket, Upcoming Events, Build Your Own Rain Garden, Here's How, Public Information Centres, Central York Fire Services (CYFS) has Launched Their Fourth Annual Stay Fire Smart Campaign, and more!
Read MoreThe purpose of the meeting is to hear input and comments from the public on the proposed development. No decision on the proposed development will be made by Council at this meeting.
Read MoreEgg-Laying Hens Pilot Project Expansion, 2017 Budget Process, Blue Dot Movement, Minutes for the Town of Newmarket Council Meetings, Community Clean-Up and Family Fun Day, IncrediBrent and Super Sarah, Public Information Centre: Tom Taylor Trail Extension, Selling consumer fireworks, water mains, and more
Read MoreI enjoyed a wonderful evening helping to make Guiding more visible in our community. Teaching leadership skills, building a Leadership Survival Kit and finding new ways to give back while having fun in our community. Thank you Girl Guides for having me and a special thank you to my Guiding Daughter Katie and Little Beaver Jack for being my assistants.
Read MoreTomorrow, crews will prepare for the relocation of traffic control equipment at the northeast corner of Yonge Street and Mulock Drive. Please see details below.
work dates*: Friday, April 8 and Monday, April 11
work hours*: 7am - 7pm
Two truckloads of donated items left outside the Goodwill site at Yonge Street and Davis Drive were removed yesterday by the property manager. The remaining items frozen to the ground will be removed this afternoon. The property manager
Read MoreThe Mayor and Members of Newmarket Council approved the new Customer Complaint Policy in an effort to help Town of Newmarket staff better meet the needs of residents. The policy is a formalization of existing practices, and: outlines how customers can escalate complaints, helps promote increased fairness and consistency and provides Newmarket residents with a reliable channel to pursue unresolved issues.
Read MoreSituation is temporary, water quality remains high Newmarket – Discoloured water conditions have been occurring in south west areas in the Town of Newmarket due to a recent equipment malfunction in a York Region water control valve. The equipment has been repaired and we continue to monitor the situation.
Read MoreA friendly reminder that the annual Neighbourhood Network Give Back Awards applications are open until this Thursday, March 24th. The Give Back Awards are awarded to 20 graduating students from high schols in Aurora, Georgina, King Township, and Newmarket
Read Moreoin the Town of Newmarket for a War of the Wards in support of Eah Hour on Saturday, March 19 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Residents are encouraged to power down for the hour as a commitment to make this planet a better place to live.
Read MoreAs part of the vivaNext Yonge Street rapidway project, trees within York Region's right-of-way need to be removed to allow utilities to be moved farther back and the road to be widened. Crews will be working along the corridor from Mulock Drive to Davis Drive.
Read MoreVIvanext update via Sophia Bittar
Community Liaison, Project Specialist
3601 Highway 7, Twelfth Floor, Markham, ON L3R 0M3
T. 905.886.6767 Ext. 71116 | 1 877 464 9675 | F. 905 886 6969 | C. 905 806 071
As noted in the provincial government’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) prevention strategy announcement on February 1st Provincial PTSD Strategy for First Responders, today the Province has introduced Presumptive PTSD Legislation for police, firefighters, paramedics, emergency dispatchers, correctional workers, and First Nations emergency response teams (Ontario to Introduce Legislation to Support First Responders with PTSD). The announcement
Read MoreCrews will be conducting geotechnical testing at various intersections and locations along Yonge Street from Mulock Drive to Millard Avenue.
work dates*: Thursday, February 18, 2016 – Friday, February 19, 2016
work hours*: 10:00pm – 6:00am
As an update for today’s snow event, town staff have completed an application of sand /salt early this morning on all streets. As the snow kept falling from 5 am
Read MoreWHAT’S ON
On Monday, February 15 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., enjoy our old-fashioned wooden toys and activities at the Elman W. Campbell Museum (134 Main Street). See our model train
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