Newmarket is taking action to end homelessness and tackle the housing affordability crisis
Read MoreMotion by Councillor Broome: That staff be directed to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of further parking restrictions on Rushbrook Drive between house numbers 200 and 212.
Read MorePublic consultation is key to understanding the parking issues and to determining an outcome that will best suit the community.
Read MoreThe Town of Newmarket presents Canada Day Drive-thru concert and fireworks display.
Read MoreWhat do you think about a multi-use path along Mulock Drive that will run from Bathurst Street to Harry Walker Parkway?
Read MoreWhat does LDD Gypsy Moth look like and can they fly?
Read MoreWe will be offering just over 2,000 camp spots over the course of the summer (in a typical summer we offer over 10,000)
Read MoreThe goal for the Mulock Drive MUP is to allow the community to connect to key destinations in Town such as the future Mulock GO Station, existing trails, schools, and the future Mulock Property.
Read MoreAfter all we can all sit in the shade today because a long time ago someone very thoughtful planned ahead and planted a tree.
Read MoreREPORT IT to the Town of Newmarket using this online form. Data collected will help the Town identify hot-spot areas.
Read MoreThe apple carousel is wide enough for wheelchairs, all surfaces are non-slip, and there’s wayfinding for all different impairments, such as sounds effects for the visually impaired.
Read MoreAs pollinators, bees play a part in every aspect of the ecosystem.
Read MoreA parking review includes the input of the residents directly affected. We are now requesting your input, which will be used to determine the next course of action.
Read MoreUpcoming Virtual workshops and meetings with the Town of Newmarket.
Read MoreJoin Newmarket Council for two upcoming opportunities to engage, learn and participate in what is happening in our neighbourhoods and community.
Read MoreAt this meeting, we will be seeking Newmarket Council's endorsement on the final master plan, budgeting strategy, timelines and next steps for the project. See you all there!
Read MoreApril 12 to 16, 2021
Over 150 spring craft ideas
55 easy science experiments using materials you already have on hand
50 fun recipes to make with kids over spring break
45 indoor activities for spring break
25 fascinating Wonders of the World you can visit from home
8 fun family outdoor Olympic games to try