Councillor Kelly Broome SO WHAT'S NEXT? Gypsy Moth - Lymantria Dispar Dispar
What does LDD moth look like?
IMAGE: LDD moth egg masses (TRCA photos)
The LDD moth has four life stages: egg, caterpillar, pupa, and moth.
Caterpillars start off very small (about 2mm) and molt three to four times, growing larger each time. By the time they reach their last molt, caterpillars can be 5-6cm long. They are dark and hairy, with five blue and red dot pairs on the back.
As adults, female moths are white with dark markings and cannot fly. Adult male moths are brown with dark markings and large feathery antennae and can fly. Egg masses are tan in colour, between the size of a dime and toonie, and can be found on tree trunks, under bark, the outsides of buildings and cars, on patio furniture, on tents and trailers.