Councillor Kelly Broome: Online Gypsy Moth (LDD) reporting system now open.


Lymantria dispar dispar - European Gypsy Moth (LDD) sightings have spiked in the last 48 hours here in Newmarket.

Two things you can do to help your trees.

1. If you see LDD in your neighbourhood, REPORT IT to the Town of Newmarket using this online form. Data collected will help the Town identify hot-spot areas.

2. If you have some burlap create a cuff around your tree. Here is a "goofy" video by the City of Toronto to help. If you do not have any burlap the Town of Newmarket will be suppling some (while supplies last) starting June 9 until June 18 at the Magna Centre, Monday to Friday from noon until 3 p.m. through a curbside pick-up drive-through.

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By working together, sharing information, ideas and being engaged in our community we can achieve great things for Newmarket.

with gratitude,

Kelly Broome Headshot_web.jpg

Kelly Broome
Councillor - Ward 6
Newmarket, Ontario

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