speed bumps vs. speed humps. Here is the difference between the two...
Many residents have reached out to me and other members of council about speed bumps and speed humps. Here is the difference between the two...
Speed humps are considerably longer and are based on a designed developed by the town. The humps are expected to encourage drivers to cross at speeds of around 30 km/h. This type of traffic calming measure is specifically designed for public streets as they also allow for snow clearance and street sweeping vehicles.
Speed bumps are considerably shorter than humps. Speed bumps encourage drivers to cross at no more than 10 km/h. This type of device is generally installed in public lane ways where speeds are relatively low.
Currently Ward 6 is entering the second year on a pilot project using bollards rather then speed humps to see if we can provide "pop up" traffic calming that is removable, inexpensive and effective in achieving "Traffic Calmed" neighbourhoods.
These bollards can be experienced on the following Ward 6 Newmarket Streets...
Savage Road
Sawmill valley Drive
Sandford Street
Sawmill Valley Drive
The purpose of the bollard is to provide traffic calming, typically used as a physical measure to help reduce the speed of traffic by narrowing the road.
You will also find in conjunction with this pilot project an electronic speed board. The placement of this speed board is designed not to catch you speeding but for you to see the speed board giving you enough time to slow to the correct speed.
The final piece of the project will be law enforcement out with a Zero tolerance policy targeting neighbourhoods under going the traffic calming process.
Recently at my Ward 6 Community Safety Open House York Regional Police Constable Roman Santos and Sergeant Mark Altermann urged residents to slow down on our neighbourhood streets. They also agreed that the bollards were a great idea and happy to see them being used.
An important addition to school zone safety will soon be via photo traffic cameras. Bill 65, Safer School Zones Act, 2017 amends the Highway Traffic Act. It addresses the ability of municipalities to set speed limits within their borders and the use of automated speed enforcement systems and red light camera systems. Learn more....
Finally the message from York Regional Police, Central York Fire and The Ontario Safety league is traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility and we all need to work together to achieve traffic calmed neighbourhoods.