Top 3 Need-to-Knows from Council on October 10: Newmarket Council Highlights

  1. We have started discussing the initial budget for 2024. The goal is to increase taxes by 2.99%. Since inflation is expected to be higher than the usual 2%, we will have to be careful with our budget. We are facing different financial challenges. From now until November, residents can participate and give their thoughts on the budget to the Council.

  2. Newmarket Council has given their response to the Housing Affordability Task Force's recommendations. The response will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in Ontario. The Province wants municipalities to share their stance on the recommendations to qualify for the $1.2 billion Building Faster Fund.

  3. The Central Newmarket Community Action Table (CNCAT), a local group, informed Council about its efforts to bring people, community, and services together, and suggested ways Council can provide assistance. CNCAT is a team that was set up to address specific local issues in the Yonge and Davis area and find solutions for specific parts of Newmarket.

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By working together, sharing information, and ideas, and being engaged in our community we can achieve great things for Newmarket.

With Gratitude,

Kelly Broome
Councillor - Ward 6
Newmarket, Ontario

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