Creating green space at St. John Chrysostom CES in Ward 6 Newmarket ON.

Hello and thank you for helping our community to grow!


I am very proud of the staff and students who worked so hard to become the successful recipient of the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant to help depave and make their junior and senior Kindergarten Spaces a more naturalized space for learning and play.

On Thursday June 6, 2019, Windfall Ecology Centre teamed up with the York Catholic District School Board and Evergreen to depave and transform the Kindergarten yard at St. John Chrysostom CES in Newmarket.


Over 150 staff, students, parents, and project partners attended the Depave event and eagerly worked together to green their school's Kindergarten yard. Using pry bars and wheelbarrows, enthusiastic volunteers got their hands dirty and removed over 70 square meters… Learn more


How to grow Pole Snap Beans

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The first two leaves are called the ‘seed leaves’.  They’re quite thick because they’re developed from the two halves of the bean seed.

Water occasionally as the plants grow.

Extra fertilising shouldn’t be needed, as beans are clever enough to make their own food.

After about 10 weeks, the bean pods should be ready to harvest. Make sure your pick them often. This will mean more beans!

When the plants stop producing and begin to die down, dig them into the soil.  Bean plants are full of goodness and they’ll make the soil richer.


Thank you once again for helping our community to grow.  Please send me your bean progress photo’s as I will share them on social media, in my newsletter, and right here on my website. Send by email to or via Facebook at .

By working together, sharing information, ideas and being engaged in our community we can achieve great things for Newmarket.  

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Kelly BroomeComment