A look back at the life and journey of a Canadian Hero...
A look back at the life and journey of a Canadian Hero...
Terry Fox July 28 1958 - June 28 1981
A look back at the life and journey of a Canadian hero. An 18 year old from British Columbia Terry Fox. When he was diagnosed with Bone Cancer in his right Knee, Amputation left him with an artificial leg. Terry trained on his new leg for 14 months before began his marathon of Hope to raise 1 Million Dollars. 12 Miles every morning and 13 miles every afternoon for a total of 3339 miles. On September 1st in Thunder Bay Terry’s run was cut short as his cancer had spread to his lungs. Terry Fox pass away on June 28 1981. A Canadian Hero was gone but a legacy was just beginning.
To date over 650 Million dollars has been raised in Terry’s name.
I applaud the entire group the runners, volunteers, organizers, and Laurie Osborne for inviting me to be apart of this incredible experience year over year.
" We are Robin's Sidekicks " Photo by Laurie Osborne
Run Day is Sunday September 17 2017 taking place in over 200 towns and city’s across Ontario. To find a location near you visit http://www.terryfox.org/run/#canada-run-locator
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